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Ama-san, video installation, 2011 They are mentioned already in Sei Shonagons ”The Pillowbook” from
the 10:th century. Ama, the japan-
ese diving women, ar free diving
down to 7 meters in the Pacific
Ocean to pick seaweed, abalone
and shells. But the situation for
ama has changed. Young women choose to move to the big cities, overfishing and pollution has de-
creased the harvest. In the small
fishing village of Nishina, on Izu peninsula, south of Mount Fuji,
there is still a strong ama culture.
I am filming a group of joyful ama
divers in their 70:ies. But soon
what will remain of their more
than thousand years old culture
is but a memory.
Lyssna på ett radio-program om Ama-san
av Katarina Wikars |
Ama-san Above: 25 min single channel version. Below: installation views from 1: MFA show 2011, 2: solo show at Eastasian museum, Sthlm 2011 + stills.
